One Miracle Night is an annual, one-day event that unites Christians around the world to pray for 1.8 billion Muslims to encounter Jesus Christ. Focused on 24 unreached megacities, One Miracle Night is a live, 24-hour prayer event, and takes place on Thursday, March 27th 2025, starting at 9am EDT.
One evening during Ramadan, the month of holy fasting, as many as 1 billion devout seekers pray for a fresh revelation from God. Tradition holds that on this one night - the Night of Power - God reveals himself to the faithful through miracles, signs and wonders.
Pray where you are, in groups, or join us online (Code 32223)
Zoom Meeting Login: ID – 846 029 07844 | Passcode - 32223
One Miracle Night draws together many from the global Christian Church to pray for these seekers. In this fourth year of the event, we invite you to gather virtually for 24 hours of dedicated prayer with believers around the world, joining for at least one hour or as you can.
Pray with us that God reveals Himself in truth, love and power to each seeking heart.
"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people." - 1 Tim 2:1 NIV
One Miracle Night is a partnership between thousands of indigenous Church Planting Movements, International Prayer Connect, Jesus Film, The Global Family 24-7 Prayer Room and many other international groups.
Across 24 hours, we are praying for Gospel movements in these 24 Muslim unreached Mega cities.
God releases His power in the response to the prayers of His people! - Let’s pray that God reveals himself as the One True God and His Eternal Son, Jesus Christ, to them in signs, wonders, miracles, and dreams.
Click the city names in the Prayer Cities listing below for further info and / or prayer videos.
We encourage you to do research on these cities and pray for ‘Breakthrough’ as the Lord leads you!
A few links to get you started: - Operation World - Joshua Project - PrayerCast
Let’s also use this time to Pray for 5 People we know who are not followers of Jesus, using the reminder card on the next page!
Pray where you are, in groups, or join us online.
Many people around the world are praying for God to release his power in 24 Muslim cities where many don’t know about Jesus. Let’s ALL pray that God shows Himself to the lost in signs, wonders, miracles and dreams.
Sign up at the link below to pray as an entire family!
Please protect you children who are risking their lives to tell others about you. Please rescue orphans of war who have lost everything and provide food for children who are starving. May the name of Jesus be lifted up over these cities and may many come to faith in you. Shine Your light in these dark places and let Your kingdom light in these dark places and let Your kingdom come in signs, wonders and power. Amen!
Begin with prayer | Listen to them | Eat with Them | Serve Them | Share Jesus with Them
Download and print the Free BLESS Card, write the names of your 5 people and keep it as a reminder to Pray for 5 each day!