110 Cities
Esther-momentenTerug naar huis

Dag - 7 / dinsdag 8 oktober

Met een missie gestuurd

Gebed van lofprijzing

Thank You, God, for sending us to share Your love. We praise You for every chance to tell others about You.
Ga daarom en maak discipelen van alle volken, en doop hen in de naam van de Vader en van de Zoon en van de Heilige Geest. - Mattheüs 28:19


De stad van vandaag:

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou is a lively city full of music and dancing. It’s known for its arts, festivals, and friendly people—a fun place to explore!

Leuk weetje!

Ouagadougou has a super fun name (pronounced Waga-doo-goo) and loves bicycles—there’s a bike party every day!

Het is niet allemaal goed...

The country is facing attacks from violent groups, making it hard to stay safe. The church is standing strong despite these dangers.

Justins gedachten

Share God's Love

Just like Jonah was sent to Nineveh, we are sent to share God’s love with others. God has a mission for you—to tell your friends and family about Jesus. Don’t hide your light—shine it bright for everyone to see!

Laten we bidden...

Sorry zeggen gebed

Dear God, I’m sorry for running away from what You told me.


  1. Pray for safety and protection for the people of Ouagadougou.
  2. Ask God to give Christians courage to share His love.


Help me to listen to You and do what You ask.

Luister en bid

Vraag God voor wie of wat Hij wil dat je vandaag bidt en bid zoals Hij je leidt!

Actie van de kampioen

Tell a friend or family member something special about Jesus today.

Jonah and the Whale


Laten we afsluiten met ons themaliedje!

Bedankt dat u met ons bidt,
tot snel!

Jonah and the Whale - Met dank aan DG Bible Songs
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