110 Cities
एस्थर क्षणपरत घराच्या दिशेने

दिवस - 2 / गुरुवार 3 ऑक्टोबर

देवाची हाक ऐकून

स्तुतीची प्रार्थना

Thank You, Lord, for speaking to us. We praise You for guiding us and calling us to follow You.
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. - John 10:27

आजची गोष्ट:

आजचे शहर:

प्योंगयांग, उत्तर कोरिया

Pyongyang is full of tall, colorful buildings and wide streets. While it’s not open to many visitors, it’s known for grand parades and unique traditions.

मजेदार तथ्य!

Pyongyang has the tallest unoccupied building in the world! It looks like a giant pyramid, but it has never been finished.

हे सर्व चांगले नाही ...

Christians in North Korea risk being jailed or worse. Still, more people secretly follow Jesus every day.

जस्टिनचे विचार

Listen for God

Have you ever felt a little nudge in your heart? That could be God speaking! Like Samuel, we need to listen when God calls. He may ask us to help others, just like Esther helped her people. Quiet your heart today, and ask God to guide you.

चला प्रार्थना करूया...

क्षमस्व प्रार्थना म्हणत

Dear God, I’m sorry for not listening when You speak to me.

प्रार्थना करा:

  1. Pray for the safety and protection of Christians.
  2. Ask God to help Christians stay strong in their faith and to spread His love.

चॅम्पियनची प्रार्थना

Help me to hear Your voice and follow what You say.

ऐका आणि प्रार्थना करा

देवाला विचारा की आज तुम्ही कोणासाठी किंवा कशासाठी प्रार्थना करावी अशी त्याची इच्छा आहे आणि तो तुम्हाला मार्गदर्शन करतो म्हणून प्रार्थना करा!

चॅम्पियनची क्रिया

Take time to listen quietly for God’s voice today.
गाण्याची वेळ!

I Will Listen

चॅम्पियन्स गाणे!

चला आमच्या थीम सॉन्गने पूर्ण करूया!

आमच्याबरोबर प्रार्थना केल्याबद्दल धन्यवाद,
लवकरच भेटू!

I Will Listen - With thanks to Trueway Kids
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