110 Cities

October 24


Bhopal is the capital city of the Madhya Pradesh state in central India. While the city is nearly 70% Hindu, Bhopal also has one of the largest Muslim populations in India.

Though not a large metropolis by Indian standards, Bhopal houses the 19thcentury Taj-ul-Masjid, the largest mosque in India. A three-day religious pilgrimage at the mosque occurs annually, drawing Muslims from all parts of India.

Bhopal is also one of India’s greenest cities, boasting two major lakes and a large national park. In fact, Bhopal is referred to as the “city of lakes” within India.

The effects of the 1984 Union Carbide chemical accident still linger over the city, nearly 40 years after the incident. Court cases remain unresolved, and the ruins of the empty plant are still untouched.

Ways to Pray

  • Pray for a resurrection of God’s divine purpose for this city.
  • Pray for the rescue of the many “street kids” that live in this city and the development of community centers to serve their needs.
  • Pray for unity amongst the believers serving in Bhopal.
  • Pray that the lingering effect of the chemical disaster can finally be erased and the ongoing litigation settled.
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