110 Cities
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Day - 3 / Friday 4th October

Chosen to Lead

Prayer of Praise

Thank You, God, for choosing us to lead. We praise You for giving us strength and wisdom for big tasks.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9


Today's City:

Kathmandu, Nepal

Kathmandu is surrounded by tall mountains and has lots of temples. It’s a city full of colors, culture, and celebrations.

Fun Fact!

Kathmandu has more than 50 festivals a year! It’s like there’s always a party happening somewhere.

It's not all good...

Nepal is a young country with many languages and beliefs, and the church wants to reach villages where no one knows about Jesus.

Justin's Thoughts

Moving Forward After Mistakes

Sometimes, like David, we face tough battles or make mistakes. But God helps us get back up and move forward. Don’t let your mishaps hold you back - God can use every mistake to teach you something new. Keep going, because God is always with you!

Let's Pray...

Saying Sorry Prayer

Dear God, I’m sorry for being afraid to do what You ask.


  1. Pray for new Christians in Kathmandu to grow strong in their faith.
  2. Pray for churches to reach the unreached villages.

Champion's Prayer

Help me to trust You and lead others with courage.

Listen and Pray

Ask God who or what He wants you to pray for today and pray as He leads you!

Champion's Action

Be brave and help lead a group or activity today.

Here I Am Lord


Let's finish with our theme song!

Thanks for praying with us,
see you soon!

Here I Am Lord - With thanks to BBC Songs of Praise
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