110 Cities

October 31


Lucknow is the capital city of the Uttar Pradesh state. It is situated at the junction of numerous roads and rail lines and is a food processing and manufacturing hub for northern India. Fondly called the City of Nawabs, Lucknow has established its cultural identity with its tehzeeb (manners), grand architecture, and beautiful gardens.

One of India’s most unique buildings is the railroad station in Lucknow. From the street, one sees numerous pillars and domes. However, when viewed from above, the station resembles a chessboard with pieces engaged in a game.

Lucknow was the first city in India to install and extensive CCTV system, which has greatly reduced crime and made it one of the safest cities in the country.

72% of the people of Lucknow are Hindu, 26% are Muslim, and the remainder are Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, and Jain.

Ways to Pray

  • The Kumhar people are traditionally nomads. Even when residing in cities, they put their children to work when they are quite young. Pray that educational opportunities will be available to these children, and that they can break this cycle and have more productive lives.
  • Pray for the breaking of the demonic spirits that control the Hindu people in this city.
  • Pray for the Jesus following leaders to have wisdom, courage, and supernatural protection.
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