Nigeria is a country located on the western coast of Africa. Nigeria has a diverse geography, ranging from arid to humid equatorial climates. However, Nigeria's most diverse feature is its people. Hundreds of languages are spoken in the country, and there are an estimated 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria. South Nigeria is the most economically developed part of Nigeria as the country's major industrial centers, and natural resources are concentrated in the region.
In the arid north, Jesus followers live their lives under the constant threat of attack from Boko Haram, the Islamist extremist group. Persecution in Nigeria has been brutally violent in recent years as extremists aim to rid Nigeria of all Christians. In addition to terrorism, Nigeria is dealing with many social challenges, from food shortages to abandoned children.
Despite being Africa's wealthiest, most populous nation, more than half of the country lives below the poverty line. Northern Nigeria suffers the world's third-highest level of chronic undernutrition among children. Ibadan, the capital city of the Oyo state, is located on seven large hills about 100 miles from the Atlantic coast. It is one of the most populated cities in the country, where most families are vulnerable to poverty. Nationwide systemic deterioration such as this poses a significant challenge for the country's central government but a tremendous opportunity for the Nigerian church to advance the Kingdom of God through words, works, and wonders.
Pray for the spread of the Gospel and for multiplying house churches among the Yerwa Kanuri and Toroobe Fulani people.
Pray for the gospel SURGE teams for wisdom, protection, and courage as they plant churches.
Pray for the New Testament translation in Nigerian Sign Language.
Pray for a mighty movement of prayer to be birthed in Ibadan that multiplies throughout the country.
Pray for a resurrection of God's divine purpose for this city.