110 Cities



2nd - 11th October 2024


Welcome to the “Esther Moments” 10-day children’s prayer guide - a fun and exciting way for you and your family to spend time with God! This guide is designed to help you learn about Bible stories where kids and adults, just like you, were placed in the right place at the right time to do something amazing for God—just like Queen Esther in the Bible.

Each day, you’ll read a short Bible story about someone who trusted God in a big way, like Samuel, Moses, David, Daniel, Jonah, and others. You’ll also learn a special Bible verse (like Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you...” or Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous... for the Lord your God will be with you”) that goes with the story. Plus, there’s a simple prayer you can say to help you grow closer to God, a fun fact about cities around the world, and an action point to show how you can be a champion for Jesus in your everyday life!

This guide is not just for you—invite your family to join you too! Together, you can read the stories, pray the prayers, and talk about the cities you’ll be learning about. You’ll be praying for places like Ho Chi Minh City, Pyongyang, and Toronto, asking God to help people there know His love. You might even find a new favorite worship song from the suggested videos!

Whether you use this guide during your morning devotion, at bedtime, or even at the dinner table, it’s a great way to grow in faith together. The best part? The “Esther Moments” prayer guide is available in 33 languages online and 10 as downloadable PDFs, so children and families all around the world can join in. Imagine being part of something so big—millions of kids praying in different countries, but all asking God for the same thing: to make them champions for Jesus!

As you pray through these 10 days, remember you’re not alone. God is with you, just like He was with Esther, David, and Daniel. He has an incredible plan for your life (Jeremiah 29:11), and He’s ready to help you stand strong in every situation (2 Timothy 1:7).

We’re so glad you’re here, and we can’t wait for you to enjoy your time with us! Welcome to the family of 2BC (2 Billion Children) Champions—you are part of something awesome! Have fun, and let’s make these 10 days the best ever!

Wishing you His blessings as you pray!

The 10 Days / 2BC Team

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