110 Cities
Esther MomentsTerug huistoe

Dag - 5 / Woens 2 Oktober

Getrou en Waaragtig


Thank You, God, for always being with us, even in hard times. We praise Your faithfulness to us.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:23


Vandag se stad:

Jerusalem, Israel

Jerusalem is a city full of history with ancient walls and beautiful old buildings. It’s a special place for many different people.

Prettige feit!

You can walk on streets in Jerusalem that are over 4,000 years old—it’s like stepping back in time!

Dit is nie alles goed nie...

Jerusalem has many different religions and cultures, but there is still a lot of tension. God is helping Christians share Jesus here.

Justin se gedagtes

Soar Like Eagles

Just like a bird learning to fly, we sometimes feel unsure. But with God, we can soar! Isaiah 40:31 says those who hope in the Lord will soar like eagles. Trust God’s strength to carry you, and you’ll achieve great things for Him!

Kom ons bid...

Sê jammer gebed

Dear God, I’m sorry for not being faithful to You every day.


  1. Pray for peace in Jerusalem.
  2. Ask God to help people from different backgrounds come together through Jesus.

Kampioen se Gebed

Help me to stay strong and follow You no matter what.

Luister en Bid

Vra vir God vir wie of wat Hy wil hê jy moet vandag bid en bid soos Hy jou lei!

Kampioen se Aksie

Stand up for what is right, even when it’s difficult.

Trust in You


Kom ons eindig met ons temalied!

Dankie dat jy saam met ons bid,
sien jou binnekort!

Trust in You - With thanks to Lauren Daigle
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