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Day - 8 / Weds 9th October

Little Boy's Gift

Prayer of Praise

Thank You, God, for using even our small gifts. We praise You for multiplying our offerings for good.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. - Luke 6:38


Today's City:

Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul is the only city in the world that sits on two continents, Europe and Asia! You can cross continents just by walking.

Fun Fact!

You can have breakfast in Europe and lunch in Asia by walking across the bridge in Istanbul!

It's not all good...

Even though it’s a modern city, many people in Istanbul still haven’t heard about Jesus.

Justin's Thoughts

Be Generous

When the little boy gave his lunch to Jesus, God turned it into a miracle. Even the smallest gifts can make a big difference. Be generous today - share what you have and watch how God multiplies it!

Let's Pray...

Saying Sorry Prayer

Dear God, I’m sorry for not sharing the things You gave me.


  1. Pray for boldness for Christians in Istanbul to share Jesus’ love.
  2. Ask God to help more people hear about Jesus.

Champion's Prayer

Help me to be generous and share what I have with others.

Listen and Pray

Ask God who or what He wants you to pray for today and pray as He leads you!

Champion's Action

Share something small—a toy, food, or time—with someone else today.

Five Loaves and Two Fish


Let's finish with our theme song!

Thanks for praying with us,
see you soon!

Five Loaves and Two Fish - With thanks to DG Bible Songs
en_USEnglish (United States)
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